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About Spiritual Healer Bill Austin

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Practical Mastery™
Practitioner Training Package

Practical Mastery™ like many other energy healing and enlightenment modalities has the potential to significantly raise your vibration. If the rest of your life (specifically your job or partner) are out of sync energetically with you they may get even further out of sync with you after you are attuned for Practical Mastery™. I have attuned around thirty people now and about ten percent of the new practitioners seem to have faced some significant challenges due to their increased vibration. Please take a moment to go within and ask if it is your divine ideal timing to get attuned for Practical Mastery™ before you order it.

In order for me to bring in the Practical Mastery profiles and to work with the Trinity Council of Light, I had to receive the Crystalline DNA Activations first.  So in addition to receiving the attunement to transmit the energies of Practical Mastery, I am also attuning practitioners to be able to transmit the Blue, Violet and White crystalline light body clearing, activation and attunements as well.   

People who order the Practical Mastery™ Practitioner Training Package will receive:

  • Attunement to access and utilize the Universal Clearing Profile to help you, your loved ones and family members (normally costs $333)  If you already have ordered the Universal Clearing Profile, I will transmit the Universal Creator Heart Alignment Profile which also costs $333 to you as a substitute.

  • Part One and Two of Unplugging from the Matrix (normally costs $288, video presentations).

  • The video recordings for fifteen Clearing the Energetic Spaces sessions, Codes for the New World sessions and fifteen Angelic Love Wash sessions. (normally costs $81)

  • A transmission of the first four levels of the Crystalline DNA Activations which normally costs $300 (the first three levels of Crystalline DNA Activations would be transmitted via video recordings);

  • Attunement to transmit the first four levels of Crystalline DNA Activations to others;

  • Package of Advanced Clearing Profiles for Practitioners with trigger word;

  • Attunement to transmit to self and others ALL of the Practical Mastery™ sessions or profiles (well over five hundred sessions);

  • Manual in Adobe pdf format describing how to transmit the Crystalline DNA Activations and Practical Mastery™ sessions on to others.

Ordering Information

The cost of the Practical Mastery™ Level I Practitioner Training Program is just $1,200.  When you order this training package you will be directed to a web page on the Healing Holograms web site where you may download the audio mp3 recordings. If you have any problems downloading the two files, please email Bill.Austin@Prodigy.Net for assistance as soon as possible.

Practical Mastery Training Package ($1,200)


"Hello Bill! I don't know what to say first!  This past week, I could tell when you were sending the Crystalline Light Body attunements and that was later confirmed from your e-mails - the first one made my whole body tingle and "buzz" for several hours, for the second one I had went to bed rather early and slept through the whole thing, but felt very energetic upon waking.  Now - it is also interesting that I received your e-mail this morning explaining you sent the "PM Attunement" because early this morning - it just popped into my head that I was attuned to it, and I knew when I would check my e-mail it would say so - and here  was your e-mail!!  The reason I'm writing is to say "THANK YOU!  Thank you for bringing in this gift!"  I have only read to the 6th page of the manual, but I am moved to tears - this is so beautiful and it feels so true.  It just feels like my soul is dancing! Thank you so very much for your gift of service! Many Blessings"  ~Tony  Harshbarger
"Hey Bill.  Thank you for the revised manual: I must say everything is very clear and simple, just the way I like it. While experimenting with the energies of PM - I have been thinking to write you some feedback for some time and I will do it now.

1. Crystalline light bodies: I never really understood why one should drink water after attunements until these. I felt like a "sponge" for some time, and now I notice various enhancements in the "feeling" of different energies when I use them. At times, the bodies seem to get activated by music, or other resonances... although I cannot tell them apart for the moment: I just feel tingling everywhere...

2. God alignment: I find this really powerful... and I use it during the day as a stand-alone practice... At the moment I perceive some clear yes-no answers if I ask, and sometimes even if I don't, especially if I am thinking to do something not aligned at all.... In general it feels like clear water and seems to work from my left part of the brain.... I wouldn't know how to describe this otherwise.

3. Sessions: I started with the shields and going on with the clearing sessions and the effects are tangible: I am so happy and begin to really feel lighter :)  One of the reasons for the feeling is that it seems that, at the moment, when I request the sessions, I get several muscular electric impulses that, well, move my entire body... at times it is a very specific workout, in order and with very complex movements including standing and lying down. For what I can see, the main purpose of this seems to unblock my spine... I know everyone is different, and at the moment it seems I perceive everything very physically (heat, shivers) but I still find this amazing. Some sessions also brought specific people and images to the surface with incredible detail...  When I am done with clearing and purging at least, I will start with the mastery sequences."

In any case, I am asking God to let me have as much money as is needed to proceed with the activations you are facilitating: I think this is really money well spent and I am totally happy with PM for the moment. A big thanks for the great work!"  Stefano Boselli



Hi Bill:  The PM energies are truly amazing. The best part is the ease and grace filled manner in which the energies are able to be facilitated in. I had this pain in my heart today and I connected in the manner described by you to transmit the heart expansion energies with grace and ease. My God it was beautiful and easy. I find it being very important that I move my smaller self out of the way so that the energies can be transmitted by God and the healing take place. Thank you Bill, I know I have been saying that a lot to you, but the gratitude I feel is immense and cannot be expressed enough in words.. - Sajith S